Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Touring the Gettysburg Battlefield

We spent two days in Gettysburg, PA. touring the battlefield where during three terrible days in July,1863 the Union and Confederate army fought a bloody battle. What a tragic  war, so many American lives on both sides were lost, but it won the end of slavery and as Lincoln said in his Gettysburg address "these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom".

We purchased a CD driving tour so I was able to go along with mom and dad and see the sights.  I spent lots of time with my head out the window so I wouldn't miss a thing.

After we toured the battlefield mom and dad went to the  museum to watch the movie and see  the fantastic cyclorama. It was a sight and sound show of the spectacular 377 foot painting by a french painter in 1884, housed in a new dome building,  Then they took a bus to visit President Eisenhower's farm, where he spent time recovering from his heart attack in 1955 and where he spent his years with Mamie after his presidency. They had a guided tour of the  entire house, which retained all the original furnishings, offering a glimpse into the simple life and times of Dwight and Mamie.


1 comment:

  1. Valentin, Loulou and I miss you guys! Looks like you're having quite an adventure Yuki!!!
