Sunday, April 25, 2010

On to Philadelphia & Valley Forge


Mom and Dad spent a day in Philadelphia, in  the historic Independence Hall area, I had to spend the day in the car in a noisy underground garage. I sure hope they enjoyed the sights!

The Liberty Bell

Independence Hall

Inside Independence Hall

Old City Hall where the Supreme Court met from 1791-1800 when the US Capital was moved from Philadelphia to Washington

 and here is the original US Capital building, Congress Hall. The House of Representatives met on the main floor and the Senate upstairs, hence the Senate thus came to be referred to as the "upper chamber".

Merchant's Exchange - the oldest stock exchange  in the US.

Mom remembered Bookbinders restaurant from when she was a child, its closed now so they went for a traditional lunch of hoagies and cheesesteak sandwiches.

Here is the First Bank of the US -a fine example of classical monumental design, built in 1797

The next day we went to Valley Forge, and I got to take the car tour with mom and dad. We saw where George Washington and his troops encamped for the winter in December 1777. Although it was a very rough winter, we learned it was disease, not cold or starvation that was the true cause of  most of the 2,000 deaths.
This is George Washington's headquarters where he lived with his wife and aides.

That all for now!,


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