Saturday, April 24, 2010

Brandywine Valley


We spent five more days in the Brandywine Valley area. We visited the Hagley Museum, the site of the gunpowder works founded by E.I. du Pont on the banks of the Brandywine River in 1802. Mom and Dad left me in the car while they toured the first du Pont family home overlooking the gunpowder yards.

Then they walked along the river admiring the beautiful old mills.Again, mom had been here several times as a child and it brought back many memories.

Then we left to go to lunch with one of mom's good childhood friends, Daria Gallagher (Maciey). It was so good to see her again!

Later that day we went to mom's old neighborhood and visited with Marilyn Hetrick, the neighbor across the street. The Holt's and the Hetrick's did not have family close by so they spent each Thanksgiving and Christmas together. Mom was able to catch up on all the news on the Hetrick  "kids", Tom, Mindy and Laurie as well as other neighbors.

The next day we went to University of Delaware, where mom did her undergraduate work  before moving to California. I was able to walk around the university admiring all the beautiful old buildings.

We stopped for a photo op in front of mom's dormitory, Sussex Hall, built in 1917. When she was there is was an all girls dorm and the rooms were as they were originally in 1917. Now the inside has been totally renovated and it is coed by floors.

After U of D we visited the historic town of New Castle, on the Delaware river. Lots of  old buildings from the early 1700's.

Had lunch at an old tavern
Mom keeps saying she picked the wrong time to let her hair grow!

Took a picture for Jeff of the Delaware Memorial bridge, in memory of our many trips to the Jersey shore, we didn't have time to get to the beach on this trip.

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