Sunday, May 2, 2021

Petaluma, Mendocino & Humbolt County


After leaving Paso Robles we headed to Walnut Creek to spend 2 days with Nana before heading to the Elks Lodge in Petaluma, Ca.
My favorite day was when my cousins, Tayor, Yvette, Carter, and Sarah came to visit.  I loved being the center of attention.

But then,  just when I was having so much fun,  they left me in the motorhome while they went out for dinner. No fair!

After our time in Petaluma, we drove to Willits, CA for two nights so we could take our car and drive the winding to the coast to visit Fort Bragg and Mendocino.  When we first arrived in Fort Bragg it was a bit overcast as we walked along the Coastal Trail

but then we got lucky and the sun came out.

The Ka KahLeh Coastal Trail was established in 2015 and provides the first public access to Fort Bragg's rocky coast since the 1800s. It was one of the most beautiful walks you could imagine and we walked along the clifts admiring the spectacular views.

I had to stop and smell the poppies, 

well, maybe I did more than smell them... Hey, no fair mom!
After all that walking I was starting to get really hungry so we drove to Point Cabrillo Light Station State Historic Park for our picnic lunch. My favorite part of the day, mom always packs some turkey meat for me.

After lunch, I took a walk to look at the clifts next to the light station.

The homes of the former lighthouse operators have been renovated and are available as vacation rentals, what a great place to stay!

We drove south to the picturesque village of Mendocino, perched on the cliffs of a peninsula overlooking the sea.  This is definitely a place to spend some time in, too bad we only had time for a quick walk around the town.

I even saw some goats on my short walk.

A great day!
Our last stop in California was in Eureka. The most famous spot in Eureka was the Carson Mansion, one of the most photographed Victorian in America.

We drove to the charming seaside town of Trinidad and once again enjoyed the views

Goodbye to California, Oregon here we come!
Adios, Brody

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Nana looks great! And what stunning coastal views! Thank you for sharing!
