Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last Stops- Arches & Canyonlands National Parks


Our last days were spent in 2 beautiful parks. We arrived in Moab, Utah in the midst of a terrible wind storm, by the time we got to our RV Park the winds were gusting up to 50 miles per hour. We didn't even put our slides out that night.

The next day it was calm and beautiful so we headed to Arches National Park - I was so excited to get to go along to see the sights, even  though I had to stay in the car when mom and dad went hiking. I couldn't believe the incredible rock formations - I kept my head outside the window so I wouldn't miss anything. So many beautiful arches.....

 interesting rock formations

and scenic views

and more arches


beautiful wildflowers

and the famous Delicate Arch in the distance

The next day we went to Canyonlands National Park, a huge, vast wilderness of rocks, hue gorges and canyons with incredible overlooks and vistas.


and  arches

A special thanks to Dad, who did all the driving on this trip of 7,000 miles - mom was a great navigator, but Dad had the hard job!


We had a wonderful trip -  73 days on the road! So great to see family, friends and such wonderful sights throughout our beautiful United States. Thanks to all of you who followed my adventures. Do you think I should keep up this blog for our next trip?


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think you should keep up this blog for your next trip. I really enjoyed reading about your trip and seeing all the pictures!!!! It was wonderful to see all the sites you got to see. Bravo!!!
