Sunday, August 29, 2010

On the Road Again!

Hi Friends,

We took off on August 6  - we stopped at Nana's for 3 nights and parked our rig on the side street next to her house. I love Nana's house and her big back yard to run around in. From there we headed to Redmond, Oregon. Dad wanted to attend another Motorcoach Rally - again thousands of motorcoaches at the Deschutes County Fairground. Wasn't very scenic - so no pictures. Dad and mom left me in the coach while they attended seminars to learn more about rving and dad says the more he learns the more he finds out what he doesn't know and that scares him. They attended several seminars on rving to Alaska - mom is a bit worried about the bears and that I might look like a tasty morsel.

After Redmond we headed to Eugene Oregon, to visit some good friends of Mom - Lynn and Sally.

Lynn used to be the developmental pediatrician and child psychiatrist where mom used to work before she retired.  They have a beautiful home on 5 acres - and a big garden.

Even better they have 2 dogs, Mack, a big dog and Katy a little girl who took a liking to me!

After Eugene we headed to Mt. St Helens. the volcano that erupted 30 years ago in May 1980.

It was a really incredible sight - to see the volcano, craters and the remains of the devastation that forever changed the landscape. They had to leave me in the car while they took a long hike around the base of the mountain.

Then we headed to  Mt. Rainer National Park - wow was I impressed with the gigantic beauty of this majestic volcanic mountain with all its glaciers.

The first day the  weather was beautiful and we went to the upper elevation of the park- Sunrise, close to the base of the mountain. Again I had to stay in the car while mom and dad took a 5 mile hike up and around the base - incredible views and so majestic .

after they got back we had a great picnic lunch, I have learned that the best place to sit is on the bench next to mom (This pic is from a different picnic, but you get the idea)

When we got back to our motor home that night it was 98 degrees!

The next morning the weather had changed and the mountain was clocked in clouds -

we went to Paradise - a much lower elevation, and it was about 50 degrees ( only 20 degrees on Sunrise). Even though the mountain was clouded over we got a glimpse every now and then.

Mom and Dad went on a ranger walk though the subapline meadows and saw lots of beautiful wildflowers.

The next day we headed down the mountains to the Yakima Valley, so we could have cell phone and internet access. We did some wine tasting the next day and today we are heading back up the Cascade Mountains going to North Cascades National Park.


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