Sunday, April 18, 2021

Oceano and Pismo Beach


As you can see we are in Oceano, a beach town right next to Pismo Beach. Mom is now an ELK, so we are parked at the ELKS Club in Oceano, only a two-block walk from the beach.

The park is pretty bare-bones, with no amenities outside of water & electricity, but the location and price are great. 


Each morning mom took me for long walks on the beach, she would take off my leash so I could run on the sand,  Check out my speed.

but the best part was when she called me to come back I would get a treat. I'm no fool, pretty soon, I didn't want to even run, I just wanted the treat! 

I liked my long walk on the Avila Pier. 

I had a great time when we went for lunch at the Cape Cod Eatery, too bad mom and dad ate their meal before taking any photos. They had a clear broth clam chowder with clams, shrimp, and roasted corn that was the best they have ever had as well as a delicious lobster roll! I had to take their word for it as I all got was an oyster cracker.  Check out the fire pit in the middle of the table.  

Hey, quit choking me! 

That's better.

After lunch, we took a long walk along the coast, a grey day but still beautiful.

 I liked checking out the seagulls

and the views.

It's time to say goodbye to Oceano, as we were heading out I turned around and saw this restaurant named after my Dad, ha ha! Next stop,  Paso Robles.

Adios, Brody

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