Sunday, April 25, 2021

Paso Robles


We are staying at one of our favorite places.

Looks like my Cantina is open for business.

On our first day, we drove to Cambria to take one of my favorite walks on the bluff trail at the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve.

I had to stop and look at the wildflowers.

After our hike, we stopped for some refreshments
and mom and dad had lunch in a beautiful garden setting.
That night Mom and Dad left me in the RV while they went to hear some music at a local brewery.
Looks like Dad is tired of getting his picture taken for my blog.
On Saturday we went Sculpterra, the winery and beautiful sculpture garden that we belong to. 
The owner of the winery, Dr. Frankel, is a medical doctor and his son is the winemaker. One of the reasons mom and dad became wine club members is that a portion of the profits from every bottle sold is donated to help Dr. Frankel's medical missionary organization that brings health care to the less fortunate around the globe. 
We love walking around the sculpture garden to admire the work of featured artists.

Each weekend there is live music in the garden. I thought this would be a good place to sit and listen to the music.

Back at the RV Ranch I was excited to meet two buddies.
So excited that we starting dancing together.
Well, I thought we were dancing, but I was told we were trying to establish dominance. Who cares!
That night I was so exhausted from my long day that I fell asleep on Dad's lap.
Adios & Good night!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Oceano and Pismo Beach


As you can see we are in Oceano, a beach town right next to Pismo Beach. Mom is now an ELK, so we are parked at the ELKS Club in Oceano, only a two-block walk from the beach.

The park is pretty bare-bones, with no amenities outside of water & electricity, but the location and price are great. 


Each morning mom took me for long walks on the beach, she would take off my leash so I could run on the sand,  Check out my speed.

but the best part was when she called me to come back I would get a treat. I'm no fool, pretty soon, I didn't want to even run, I just wanted the treat! 

I liked my long walk on the Avila Pier. 

I had a great time when we went for lunch at the Cape Cod Eatery, too bad mom and dad ate their meal before taking any photos. They had a clear broth clam chowder with clams, shrimp, and roasted corn that was the best they have ever had as well as a delicious lobster roll! I had to take their word for it as I all got was an oyster cracker.  Check out the fire pit in the middle of the table.  

Hey, quit choking me! 

That's better.

After lunch, we took a long walk along the coast, a grey day but still beautiful.

 I liked checking out the seagulls

and the views.

It's time to say goodbye to Oceano, as we were heading out I turned around and saw this restaurant named after my Dad, ha ha! Next stop,  Paso Robles.

Adios, Brody

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Greetings from San Clemente State PArk

Hi All!

It's Brody here. Since our last blog post, we lost my brother Yuki. He lived a good long life but we all miss him. So it is now my job to take over his blog. I sure hope that I am up to the task. 

This is our first trip in 14 months. Other than going to Walnut Creek a few times to take care of Nana, we spent all of our COVID quarantine time at home.  Now, mom and dad have their two shots so we are good to go! We left on April 12 for a two-month trip through California and Oregon with a brief stop in Washington.

We spent 6 days in San Clemente State Beach with some of dad's family. Uncle Val & Aunt Pam and cousins Val Jr. Lou Lou, Valentine & Matteo, It was great to hand out with family.


The boys had zoom school during the week and they both did a great job of staying focused on their studies.

Uncle Val would be ready to take them biking during their break times.

I loved getting hugs from  Aunt Pam.

Check out my cousin Coco, she got to go for rides around the park. I was jealous cause I wanted to go too! 

But I did love going on walks with mom and enjoying the views.

I got a front-row seat and waited patiently for the ranger talk, only to find out that it was canceled due to COVID. Darn it!

One day mom and dad took me to the Dawg Pawrk Brewery! I was able to sit and the table and enjoy some of dad's beer. 

I'm an IPA guy, just like him!  Good to the last drop.

 I even had my picture taken and posted on Dogs of the PAWRK! I'm on the top row,

 here's a closer look.  Do you see me?

I had lots of fun playing with my cousins.  

But the best part was being able to sit at the picnic table and beg for treats - as you can see I am eyeing that box of donuts, just waiting for a taste!

It was a great week! Now on to Oceano & Pismo Beach!