Friday, August 9, 2019

South Dakota Bound

This is me ( Brody) here on the right. I have officially taken over the blog from my brother from another mother.  Yuki's arthritis is getting worse although he is on a new medication that seems to be helping him. However, mom said it was my time to step up to the plate and take over Yuki's job of writing this blog.  I am five years old now - so I guess it's time. Wish me luck!

We took off at the end of July heading to meet our Mississippi friends (Jerry & Charlie Bond) in Laramie, Wyoming. Laramie is a charming town and home to the University of Wyoming, the only university in the state. It actually was founded before Wyoming became a state.

One of our first stops was to the Bond Brewery. Jerry didn't tell us he had opened a brewery,  imagine my surprise. I hope Dad will give me a lick of his IPA.

The next day we took a ride up to the Snowy Range on a National Scenic Byway. It was a beautiful trip up the mountain. 

Yuki & I really liked Mirror Lake.

After Laramie, we went to a more remote area in southwestern Wyoming. Fort Laramie, one of Wyoming's oldest town was right on the path of the Oregon Trail.

We stopped to look at Register Cliff where emigrants traveling the Oregon Trail would stop and carve their names into the soft rock.

The next day we took a long ride, the best part for me was being in the back seat with my head on Charlie's lap.

We traveled on some really bumpy roads for many miles up the mountain to the base of Laramie Peak to visit some friends of Jerry and Charlie.

 They have a small cabin and live off the land. 
 On our way to our rally in Rapid City, South Dakota we stopped to take a tour at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary.  
The sanctuary is 11,000 acres of sacred land with Native American and  Early Pioneer history. As a non-profit organization, its goal is to preserve the natural habitat and provide a home for unwanted American Mustangs. It is devoted to the spirit of the wild mustangs by giving America's unwanted wild horses a quality life of freedom. 

We got to see so many beautiful wild horses & I was surprised how close they came to us.

I was going to name this horse "Spot" but Yuki said a better name was "Star" I hate it when he is right!
I was really surprised when one of the oldest horses on the sanctuary stuck her head into our bus. I thought she was going to come right in.

After a while, the horses got thirsty and hot so they headed for the water.

After visiting the sanctuary we continued on to Rapid City, South Dakota to attend a Monaco rally. Monaco is the maker of our coach. So we were surrounded by Monaco's.

Mom and Dad left us alone in the RV they attended seminars and parties. 

We were always waiting by the door for them to return

and feed us our dinner.

That's about all for now. To be honest, mom didn't give me a lot of pictures to work with. She is recovering from surgery on her Achilles Tendon and it has really limited her ability to get around. She promises to try to get more material for me to work with at our next stops.

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