Sunday, August 18, 2019

Flaming Gorge

Greetings from the beautiful Flaming Gorge,
Somehow mom missed getting me in the picture - so you will just have to use your imagination as I was there!  The unspoiled natural playground of Flaming Gorge Country straddles Wyoming and Utah. We stayed on the Utah side and took some drives around the Gorge taking in the beautiful views.

As Yuki's sea legs are not what they used to be,  I was a good brother and stayed home with him while Mom, Dad, Jerry, and Charlie went boating on the Gorge. A special thanks to Jerry's sister. She met Rick when she visited the Gorge last year and she arranged for him to take us out in his boat.

The views from the boat of the canyons were stunning.   

They had a great time

and of course, they brought snacks. Jerry sure loves potato chips ( and so do I)

Our time with Jerry and Charlie was coming to a close. We had a great 3 weeks together and celebrated our last night together with grilled tri-tip.
My pal Jerry saved a piece for me!

The next morning we got up early to see them off. Yuki and I were sorry to see them go.

Looking forward to the future adventures of the Bond-Marquez-Holt RV Club!
Brody (and Yuki)