Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Creede, Colorado

Greetings from Creede!
We stayed at a huge RV resort, you can barely see us as the sign is so big! The park is nestled among the San Juan Mountains along the banks of the mighty Rio Grande river. 

Creede is over 125 years old, and for 100 of those years was primarily a mining town, known in it's heyday as Colorado's rowdiest mining camp.It is a small town in a great location,

but it is more of a summer destination, for fishing and rafting in the river.

It was pretty quiet when we were here, with many places not opening until Memorial Day week-end.  We got to go everywhere on this portion of our trip. No sitting ( really sleeping) around in the motor home waiting for Mom and Dad to return!  

Brody is getting ready to get in the car  for our drive on the Bachelor Loop, a 17 mile driving historic tour that loops through Creede's historic silver mining district and ghost towns. 

The mostly unpaved road weaved its way up the canyon north of Creede climbing under ragged cliff sides.

We stopped along the way to get a closer look at the old mines

When we got to the top of the drive there was a beautiful meadow
 and a great view of Creede below

The next day we drove part of the Silver Thread  byway to Lake City, stopping to see two water falls on the way

The views from the top of the views of the Slumgullion Pass (11, 361 ft) were beautiful

We had fun walking around the small quaint town of Lake City.

stopping of course to  to pose for our blog shots. We are getting pretty good at posing.

Yuki and Brody

1 comment:

  1. Those small mining towns were so picturesque. It's almost like you stepped back in time. And, Yuki & Brody, you need SAG cards so that you can pose in commercials. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Auntie Maye & Uncle Patrick
