Friday, May 12, 2017

Great Sand Dunes National Park

Greetings from the Great Sand Dunes National Park. We stayed at a small campground just outside the park. By the time we got set up  the clouds were rolling in.
Later that evening it started to snow, a bit more like white rain.
 and I did not like going out for a walk that night, but then again, neither did Dad. Brody could have cared less.
That night Brody told me that he hoped it would keep snowing. He was so excited he could hardly sleep. The next morning when we looked out the window, and everything was covered in snow.
Mom put on my winter coat and got Brody into his sweater and we went out to play in the snow.

Not a blade of grass to be found, I guess I'll just have to create a yellow brick road......
Even the Great Sand Dunes were covered in snow, a beautiful sight!

Later that day Mom and dad took us to the park and they stopped in the visitor center to learn more about the park.

Created by winds that sweep up the San Luis Valley floor, the enormous dunes that tower 700 feet are the tallest sand dunes in  North America. Having personally visited the White Sands in New Mexico, and the Sleeping Bear Dunes on Lake Michigan, I thought these the most spectacular, nestled in the valley at the base of the rugged Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

By the afternoon the snow was starting to melt from the dunes. But we decided to go home and wait until tomorrow to explore the park.
What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours.... the next day we got up and all the snow was gone!! 

The sand dunes were now clearly visible.

We took off for the park that morning to take a small hike in the park with mom and dad.
and stopped along the way for a rest break.

After our hike we  went back home for lunch. After lunch Mom and Dad went back to walk up the sand dunes. They left us at home so we wouldn't get all sandy, no fair I say. But, when I saw the creek I would have had to cross, I was really glad they left me home!
However, the kids sure were having fun in the deeper part of the creek.

Mom said the water was surprisingly warm.
They told me they walked all the way to the top, but I doubt they did!

A great day in the park! Next stop, Creede, Co.
Yuki and Brody


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hows the weather in durango?


  3. Really...yellow brick road??? Yuki, you are so clever. LMAO!
