Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Greetings from Memphis!

We are on our way to Newfoundland!!

Here we are on the banks of the Mississippi River. Oh, did I say "we". Some of you may not have met my new little brother Brody (he is the one on the right in the picture above). Can you believe it - another little white dog? Brody is a Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever and Poodle). Dad picked him because he was born on dad's birthday. Dad thought he would grow to 20-30 pounds, but guess what? He is 10 months old now and I am still bigger than he is! Although you really can't tell that from the pic below (this time he is on the left)

Now many of you have asked me if Brody is going to help me write this blog. Let me make this clear, he is only 10 months old and doesn't even know his abc's yet so how can he help me write this! All he is interested in is playing, jumping on top of me  and looking outside for sticks to put in his mouth and bring back into to the RV.  However, to be fair I will ask him for his input from time to time and when he is older, maybe even give him a byline.

We left home on Monday, June 1 heading for Newfoundland, Canada. We made our way quickly across the country. Dad sure had some long driving days.  I was recovering from a problem in my private area. I had to wear this stupid cone on my head and was on several medications. But by the time we got to Memphis I was feeling much better.

In Memphis we were parked right on the Mississippi river and got to watch all the barges pass by and  have a great time running in the fields.

While we were there Mom and Dad visited the National Civil Rights Museum.

It was built right into the Lorraine Motel,

where Martin Luther King was assassinated as he came out onto the balcony of his room.

They said it was an excellent museum, but a bit too crowded with people to see all the exhibits.

The next day Mom dragged Dad to visit Graceland

It was interesting, but I think they could have saved the $72.00 for something else.  Lots of people crowding in to see the rooms in Elvis' home

and his grave.

After Memphis we stopped off in Oxford, Mississippi to visit our friends Jerry and Charlie Bond.

We can park our motorhome right in their backyard and hook up to electric, water and sewer (in RV lingo that is called a "full hook-up")

I spent some time practicing my driving skills in case dad needs a back-up (cause we all know mom isn't going to drive) while my little brother served as my lookout.

After that we were making our way to Portland, Maine to catch the ferry to Novia Scotia before catching another ferry to Newfoundland.  Today  I spotted  a sign and called out to dad   "Hey, we are there already" ? 

But dad just laughed and said we were still in Pennsylvania.

Yuki ( and Brody - see I did give him a byline)

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