Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Hey, you caught me fast asleep on the sofa after a day of touring. Being a tour guide is tough work!
Our last stop before we took the ferry to Nova Scotia was to visit mom's college roommate Patt and her husband Charlie. They live in Haverhill,Massachusetts and  we spent two great days with them.

They drove mom and dad to Kittery, Maine to have lobster rolls at Chauncey Creek.

Then we left for Portland, Maine to catch the overnight ferry to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Actually, it looked more like a cruise ship than a ferry.
Dad is a pro now at driving the motorhome into the ferry.

As the ferry pulled away, dad got some shots of Portland. 

Boy, were Brody and I surprised to find out that we had to stay by ourselves all night in the RV while mom and dad got to wine, dine and sleep in a cabin on the ferry. It was my first night alone, but as I was the oldest I tried to stay brave for Brody and not let him know how scared I was.

 The next morning, mom and dad came back to the RV. Was I ever glad to see them!! The first thing we did after we  went through customs was to find a place for mom to take us for a long overdue walk.

We stayed at a nice campground a few miles outside of Yarmouth.

It tarted raining so mom and dad went to a few museums while we stayed in the car. The next day we took off to explore the south portion of the Acadian Shores 
We stopped to look at Canada's oldest courthouse
 and at Hipson Creek stone bridge built in 1900.
Then we drove to The Hawk, on Cape Sable Island,  the most southerly accessible point in Atlantic Canada.
 For lunch, mom and dad went to a local hangout in lower West Pubnico.

Mom saved us a taste of her Rappie Pie ( An Acadian speciality consisting pf grated potatoes and chicken baked in the oven. It was good!

After lunch, mom and dad went to a "Living Wharf" lecture led by an experienced lobster fisherman. The lobster boats were all in the dock as the lobster season in Yarmouth is Nov-May.

He explained the lobster traps

showed us a male and female lobster (the female is on the right, she has a wider lower body for her eggs.)

Dad learned how to band a lobster's claw.

Our last stop that day was at the Cape Forchu Lighthouse.
We evengot to take a nice long walk along the ocean

and watch the boats go by.

On the way home we stopped to show Brody his first cows. I turned my head for one second and when I looked back here was Brody getting his first kiss...ugh! 
 The next day we took off north, again through the Acadian French seaside. Brody and I were excited to be able to go along.

 One of our first stops was the beach. From my past blog you know how much I love to run on the beach. This was Brody's first time and he loved it too!
We stopped to see some beautiful churches along the way; Saint-Alphonse

  and Pointe-de-l'Eglise - North America's largest wooden church.

Gilbert's Cove lighthouse was out last stop before heading home for the day.
This was dad's favorite sign on the highway.

Yuki ( & Brody)


  1. Do not let Brody kiss the lobster, the cow is okay. Fantastic photos, I love the history you share with the photos.

  2. I can not imagine being in the presences of a building standing since 1857
