Saturday, May 17, 2014

Oxford and Ole Miss

We are in Oxford, Mississippi visiting our friends, Jerry and Charlie. We met them at a Monaco International Rally a few years ago ( Monaco is the brand of our motorhome) and have seen them at subsequent rallies. Jerry has really mentored dad and taught him quite a bit about the maintenance of our coach.

Oxford is a beautiful small town in northern Mississippi and the home to both University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) and William Faulkner. So we visited both.

The campus of Ole Miss is both huge and beautiful. You can tell sports are #1 at this school by the number of stadiums and I am betting that partying is equal to sports. I was amazed at the number of fraternity and sorority houses, each one as big as a southern mansion. We stopped at the old part of the university.
The Lyceum is the oldest building opening for the first class in 1848. During the Civil War, the building served as a hospital for Union and Confederate soldiers. Jerry told us that Company A, a regiment comprised of Ole Miss students, lost 100% of their men at Gettysburg.
 In 1962, the Lyceum was the scene of a major event in the Civil Rights Movement. After a night-long riot, the University's first African-America student, James Meredith, was enrolled.
Our friend, Charlie was attending the university at that time and Jerry (who had not yet met Charlie) was one of the National Guard called in to patrol the school during the riots that ensued.

Later that day we visited Rowan Oak,  the home of William Faulkner

The  Faulkners must have shopped at the same furniture store as mom's grandparents. The bedroom, dining room and living room furniture all looked the same, even the same desk that mom got from her grandma.
Jerry is a retired commercial airline captain. We stopped at the local airport to check out some of the planes that he flies.

Jerry and Charlie have a beautiful home on 35 acres of land, that they built to house their motorhome.
Check out the size of that garage.
Not only that, but  they have room to store their friend's RV in their carport  and a place for us to park our RV with electricity, water and sewer ( known in RV lingo as a full-hook up).
Jerry is always busy building or fixing something, he even has his own bulldozer!
One night his friend, Tim, hosted a party for mom and dad at his house along with other friends of Jerry and Charlie.
Look at  the size of Tim's barbecue. 

Tim made ribs and chicken and mom brought me some of the leftovers. Tim has a huge hanger for his toys in one end
and a huge kitchen and prep area

We ate by the lake. Can you spot Jerry  doing the two things he likes best, talking on the phone and eating!

Getting the firepit ready. You can see Tim's house at the top of the hill.

We had a wonderful visit with Jerry and Charlie and their friends and  fell in love with the beauty of Mississippi.

The is my last log for this trip as we are heading home. Hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures.
Adios for now,

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