Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Redwood National Park

On the road again.....here I am on my sofa in our motorhome waiting to take off. I am so excited because we are going all the way to Alaska!  We will be gone four months, so I hope to be able to keep up this blog so you can see all of our adventures!

After stopping at Nana's for a while we headed up the California coast to the Redwoods National Park.

Darn, I just remembered  that dogs are not allowed on the hiking trails, so here I am waiting for mom and dad to come back from their hike - hope it is soon!

The redwoods were beautiful and majestic! Towering up to the sky.

Look how little mom and dad are!!

We  saw some young elk on the side of the road, I whined up a storm, but they didn't hear me from the car. 

Last stop was the ocean! My favorite groomer, Eve, cut my hair before I left, so without all my fur I need a sweater to keep me warm.
We are off for the Oregon coast!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you. Your trip sound fabulous - four months in one of the most spectacular scenery in the world. Look forward to more blogs from Yuki. Safe journey!
    Nancy and Dick Sprenkle
