Monday, May 20, 2013

The Oregon Coast


So excited to be on the Oregon coast. Our first stop was in Port Orford. We stayed at Humbug Mountain State park and had a nice spot just a short walk to the beach.

As soon as we got settled we took off to the beach.

I could hardly wait to ditch my leash!

Our next stop was Winchester Bay. We stayed at the marina and enjoyed the views.

Mom and dad visited several lighthouses along the way. Although, these all look like the same one...

as well as some beautiful tidepools, even in the drizzle.

Our last stop was at the South Beach State Park.  It was just a short walk to the ocean. Did I mention that I just love the beach!! I took one look at the sand below and left mom and dad on top of the dunes as I raced down

Here I come, faster than a speeding bullet.....
I'm superdog!! and very thirsty...

Dad's favorite part was not the ocean, but visiting the Rogue Brewery. 

 He sure looks happy surrounded by all that beer!

Check out the size of these wooden kegs

and steel vats - enough beer for dad's lifetime - and all his friends  (if they started in their 20's)

Mom was impressed with the work culture of the brewery, strong focus on quality, excellence and employee teamwork. She got a chuckle out of this sign.

Of course, the last stop was at the bar - all of these taps are Rogue brews and dad sampled quite a few. 

We enjoyed our time on the Oregon coast, but decided to head east to Portland, then on for a few days in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho and Glacier National Park before crossing the border into Alberta, Canada.

Adios, Yuki


  1. Yuki, those tide pools were amazing and Mom actually looks very happy and well rested. I am not sure if Dad looks happy or drunk. He appears to be leaning. You, however, definitely look faster than a speeding bullet!

    Auntie Maye & Uncle Pat

  2. Yuki looks like the world is hers, the happiest dog on earth. I felt we should play some music for her when she was running. And Juan's big smile tell the story without a sound. you seem to been having so much fund together, have a safe trip. Love you your sister.

  3. Thanks for stopping into the Rogue Ales Brewery and for supporting the Rogue Nation. Rock 'n Rogue!
