Thursday, August 2, 2012

Truman Library & Chicago

Hi All,

 I haven't had either the time or internet access until now to update my blog, but here is a bit of what we did at the end of July.

After leaving Kansas, we headed to Independence, MO, right outside of Kansas City.

Independence is where President Truman spent most of his life and where his Presidential Library and Museum are located. Besides all of  the National Parks, Mom and Dad also plan to visit all the Presidential Librarys.

Mom and Dad left me to catch up on my sleep while they toured the museum.

It was one of the best Presidential library’s they have visited so far. Great exhibits in a beautiful setting. President Truman and Bess (he called her “the boss”) are buried on the grounds.

After that we drove to Illinois to a small town outside of Chicago to get some rest before the reunion.  One day mom and dad took the train to Chicago for the day.  When they got off the train they hopped on the EL (elevated train)
heading to board the Chicago Architecture Foundation River Cruise.  They were totally impressed with the docent led tour about the history and architects who built such incredible buildings in the city.

From the older buildings ...The first reinforced concrete building in Chicago, the warehouse of the former Montgomery Ward’s. Designed in the early 1900’s its horizontal emphasis and geometric ornamentation reflect the Prairie School style.
 and the Merchandise Mart, a massive two-city block structure with Art Deco styling.
jumping ahead to  Marina City – highly innovative when completed in the 1960’s.
The  Willis Tower, (below in the distance) formerly known as the Sears tower, was the world’s tallest building for 24 years. It marked the world’s introduction to the highly innovative engineering concept known as bundled tube construction.
and the more modern ( center left) 333 West Wacker Drive.  A good example of contextualism, with a curved, shimmering, green-tinted facade, flowing in harmony with the river’s hue.
and   Lake Point Tower, with its distinctive curvilinear, dark-tinted, glass curtain wall, exuding brawn with stunning grace.
To one of the newest structures, Trump Tower,  ( in the distance) the tallest structurally all-concrete building in the world.
Quite an impressive tour 
 Sure wish I had been there with them!


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