Monday, August 6, 2012

Olson Family Reunion

I was so excited to get to meet all my cousins at the Olson Family reunion – do I look Swedish?
(just ignore the face - and check out my Swedish t-shirt). Sure wish mom had thought of buying me one to wear to the reunion!
The reunion was at the Hilton Indian Lakes Resort, outside of Chicago.

Cousin Becky and mom planed the reunion and picked this location so relatives could fly in from both coasts.

Luckily, they let dogs in the hotel, here I am in my hooch.

It was so much fun meeting everyone.
 Looks like Nana was enjoying herself! 
so was Aunt Phyllis and cousin Taylor!
 I was happy that our room was party central for the cousins at night , so I got to be part of the action.
Can you tell we were watching the Olympics?
Check out April and Michael Phelps!
I wish dad had gotten a picture when cousin Susie sat on the styrofoam ice chest. Robin and Skipper are holding the pieces.
Looking look forward to 2014!

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