Friday, August 17, 2012

Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore

Our next stop was Traverse City, to visit the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. I was excited as I got to go on this adventure. Sleeping Bear was recently voted the most beautiful place in America  and I could see why. We took a beautiful scenic drive, stopping along the way to appreciate the views. Check out this shoreline. 
And the hardy souls walking straight up (those little dots on the trail below to the left are people) 
 I was glad I could see it all
 as well as have time to run in the sand
and watch the people climb up the giant dunes. Secretly I was glad mom and dad decided not to make the treck up, I am not sure I could have made it.
 We had a nice picnic lunch on the beach

then continued to drive around the scenic Leelanau Peninsula, stopping at towns along the way
until we got to the tip to the Grand Traverse Lighthouse, built in 1858.
The Leelanau Peninsula is also know for its wineries. Mom and Dad visited several that were written up in Food and Wine Magazine,  some good wine and better views than Napa.

Mom and Dad really liked the 2 Lads Winery on the tip of the neighboring Old Mission Peninsula. The winery was very modern, right out of Dwell magazine.

with a sweeping view of the bay from the concrete bar in the winery.

All in all. a great time!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mackinac Bridge & Mackinac Island

We enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Michigan Upper Peninsula and then headed across the Mackinac Bridge , the 3rd longest suspension bridge in the world, connecting   the upper peninsula to the rest of Michigan.
Dad doesn't like bridges. So he was focused on getting us over safely.

 It was a long bumpy ride as the bridge was under construction.
 Of course, after the first few bumps, I jumped off my bed on the sofa and sat next to mom. Can you read my communicative intent? My eyes are clearly pleading, “Let me up on your lap! 
 Mom and Dad took a boat to visit Mackinac Island viewing the beautiful homes on the side of the island.
 And the historic Grand Hotel
Cars are not allowed on the island, but tourists sure are! It was crowded when they got off the island so they made their way past the tourists and headed for a nice long walk through a forest to reach the scenic Arch Rock

 Then walked by Fort Mackinac, built by the British in 1780. It wasn't until 1796, 13 years after the end of the Revolutionary War, that the British relinquished this fort to the Americans.
lots of beautiful farms

I liked the pictures of the horse drawn carriages – check out these triplets!

I thought there were way too many  people in this one – and felt sorry for my buddies
Look, one of the guys worked so hard he lost his shoe
The Grand Hotel certainly lives up to its name. Opened in 1887, its magnificent colonial porch is the longest in the world and is also the world's largest summer hotel.  

The island is full of quaint historic streets
 and  old homes
 A beautiful island


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

After the Olson family reunion we headed north, through Illinois, and Wisconsin to reach Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (UP) – Do you know where that is??
Just in case you don't,  it’s the  piece of land on top of Wisconsin, connected only by the Mackinaw bridge to the rest of Michigan. Lake Superior to the north, Lake Michigan to the south and Lake Huron to the east. Now I have been to all five of the Great Lakes!

Our first stop for a few nights was in Munising, MI, home to the beautiful Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. I was happy to be able to romp on the beach
to check out all of the beautiful colored rocks.
I had to help mom to collect them ( any of you see the movie, The Long Long Trailer , with Lucille Ball – when she collected all the rocks) – kind of reminds me of mom. Dad wonders what she is going to do with all of them!
We stopped to see some beautiful waterfalls
And lighthouses

And to look down at the beautiful cliffs along the lakeshore

One night mom and dad took the sunset tour of the Pictured Rocks, which is the only way to really see them. Too bad it was overcast, but the sights were still spectacular. The sandstone cliffs tower 50 to 200 feet above the water. Here is Miner’s Castle (the right turret already fell off).
Indian Rock – do you see him?  
Check out the roots of this tree on the right.
The name Pictured Rocks comes from the streaks of mineral stain that decorate the face of the sculpted cliffs. The streaks occur when  groundwater oozes out of the cracks. The dripping water contains iron, manganese, limestone, copper and other minerals that leave brown, black, gold, green,  and white stains on the cliffs. Here are some  examples of the striated colors

On to the eastern UP!!



Monday, August 6, 2012

Olson Family Reunion

I was so excited to get to meet all my cousins at the Olson Family reunion – do I look Swedish?
(just ignore the face - and check out my Swedish t-shirt). Sure wish mom had thought of buying me one to wear to the reunion!
The reunion was at the Hilton Indian Lakes Resort, outside of Chicago.

Cousin Becky and mom planed the reunion and picked this location so relatives could fly in from both coasts.

Luckily, they let dogs in the hotel, here I am in my hooch.

It was so much fun meeting everyone.
 Looks like Nana was enjoying herself! 
so was Aunt Phyllis and cousin Taylor!
 I was happy that our room was party central for the cousins at night , so I got to be part of the action.
Can you tell we were watching the Olympics?
Check out April and Michael Phelps!
I wish dad had gotten a picture when cousin Susie sat on the styrofoam ice chest. Robin and Skipper are holding the pieces.
Looking look forward to 2014!