Monday, August 15, 2011

Rally Days


We have been really busy the past few weeks. After Door County we went to Manitowoc, WI on Lake Michigan to take part in our first Monaco International Rally. Monaco is the maker of our coach and Dad was anxious to meet other owners and to get more advice. So many Monacos, everywhere I looked! That's ours, first on the left.

From there we were part of a caravan traveling to Madison, WI for another rally. Here we are lined up, ours is to the right.
And away we go!

How many can you see?

I don't really like rallies as mom and dad are gone most of the day learning about rv stuff and I am stuck here in the coach waiting for them to come home. We had a good time in Madison, but didn't take too many pictures I guess, and none of me!.  A beautiful state capital, scene of the many demonstrations by labor unions and teachers against the current governor, Scott Walker. 

Madison is a very bike friendly city, as is most of Wisconsin. Dad was impressed with the bike rental system, just deposit your $$, take a bike and drop it off at the next stop.

There were thousands of motorhomes parked in the Allaint Energy Cneter Convention parking lot for the ralley. And then there was one, guess whose?
Yes, you guessed right, ours! We had a broken engine belt, and no one to help us on a Sunday so we stayed put until the next day when we were towed to a repair station.

Not a pretty picture, we spent 2 days waiting for it to be fixed and then we got on the road again!

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