Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fun in Door County, WI

We had a great time in Door County, WI. Door County is a 75 mile long peninsula surrounded by Lake Michigan on  the north and east and the bay of  Green Bay to the west. We stayed in a great campground, Bailey’s Grove in the small, quaint town of Bailey’s Harbor.

Mom enjoying the view
We learned that the popular “tourist” towns were on the bay side, Egg Harbor, Ephraim, Fish Creek,  and Sister Bay. They were fun to visit, and only about 10 miles away, but we enjoyed the scenery near us also. So many beautiful farms.

and lighthouses.

One day we went to Peninsula State Park. Mom and Dad climbed this tower 

to take a picture of Horseshoe Island. I stayed in the car as I am afraid of heights.
Dad went charter fishing for salmon one night and he caught three 18-20 lb salmon. 
 He had them flash frozen and luckily they fit in what room we had left in our freezer. I love salmon!!
One day  we went to some beautiful cliffs and  caves along Lake Michigan.

Mom thought I needed a bath ( without soap) so we waded into the clear lake. It was fun at first. 
  But all of a sudden I couldn't touch the bottom. I started paddling as fast as I could then grabbed mom's leg. I don't think I like swimming.
I'm sinking......
The last day Mom and Dad took the ferry and their bikes to Washington Island. Mom told me that she really didn’t  see anything on the island as she spent the entire time looking down at the road from her handlebars as Dad led them on a fast zoom around the island. So, no pictures of the island, just another of Dad's flowers with bugs.


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