Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Still in Minnesota

Hi,  Can you spot me in the flowers?
How about now?

I have seen  so many beautiful wildflowers on our trip.

We are finishing up our stay in beautiful Minnesota, so thought I catch you up on what else we did. After Ely we drove to Grand Portage, at the northeast tip of MI, on Lake Superior, right next to the Canadian border of Ontario.

Our first stop was to the Grand Portage National Monument.

The Grand Portage was the 8 1/2 mile route that the Voyageurs  carried two 90 pound packs of furs, along with their canoes, between Lake Superior and Fort Charlotte to bypass a long stretch of waterfalls and rapids to get to northwest Canada.   

From 1784 to 1803 the Northwest Company ran the most profitable fur trade operation on the Great Lakes and their headquarters was in Grand Portage. They controlled 70% of the fur trade business, which is like controlling70% of the oil business today.  The national monument is a reconstruction of the headquarters.

Kitchen and main building

Dining room

Collection of furs

The next day mom and dad left me in the RV and they took a boat to Isle Royale National Park, located on Lake Superior in Michigan. I am glad I didn't have to go on the boat because I haven't been feeling too well lately. My stomach has been bothering me and I have been having problems at both ends. Mom took my temperature, which wasn't too much fun because it didn't go in my mouth, if you know what I mean. But, I didn't have a temperature, so off they went.

It was a very foggy day so they didn't get to appreciate the sights along the way.  But it cleared up a bit when they arrived.

They took a hike in the heavily forested woods and listened to some ranger talks

and then headed back

 to me - I am now on a diet of rice and baby food - hope it works!

Our final stop in Minnesota was Duluth. We were able to park in a Marina close to the famous Aerial Lift Bridge - can you see it behind our RV?

Dad took me for a walk at night and we got these shots. Here it is when it's down.

and here it is going up....

and it's up!
Here is what it looks like in the daytime. Huge 1,000 foot freighters from around the world glide into the harbor beneath the giant silver bridge. It was quite a sight.

There she goes....

We also saw the "Tall Ships" pass under the bridge and have a battle in the harbor.

Mom and Dad ended the trip with a visit to Fitger's Brewhouse, a Duluth tradition since 1859. Dad liked their beer.

Next stop, Wisconsin!


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