Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Badlands of North Dakota

Greetings from Theodore Roosevelt National Park!

Check out the Little Missouri River behind me. Today we are in the little visited but beautiful North Unit of the park. It was a long drive from the South Unit and the ranger told us that we were the 30th visitor today, and we didn't arrive until noon!

This is the road into the park, we took the 14 mile one way scenic drive.

Stopping first so I could sit on top of one of the cannonball
rock formations.

Check out the landscapes....
The rest of the time we spent in Medora, ND at the South Unit of the park.  Early one morning mom and dad left to take a ranger guided walk.  Can you see mom? (3rd from the end)

Dad took lots of pictures of wildflowers along the way.

Driving around we saw herds of wild horses
 and can you guess what is inside of these holes?
If you guessed prairie dogs, you are right ! The park has several prairie towns, and I was so excited when I saw all of these little guys.

Mom and Dad left me while they took a hike into the 3rd largest petrified forest in the U.S. It was a long way in, through prairie fields

and over rock formations
to get to the petrified forest.

Getting out wasn't easy either, luckily mom was able to fit through the gate.

All in all, a great time at the park
 By trhe way, many of you have asked why there are no pictures of dad, that's because his job is the photographer while mom's is to help me with this blog. But, I convinced her to take a pic of dad today.

We are off to drive across North Dakota heading for a few weeks in Minnesota. 


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