Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome to my blog!!


I am so excited that mom has created this blog for me so I can log all my adventures on our trips in our Monaco Cayman RV! As you can see I am jumping for joy.

We are leaving next Tuesday for a 2 1/2 month trip across the United States. I will get to see many new sights (and smells) and meet some of my aunts, uncles, cousins and make new friends. Sure hope some of them are of the canine variety!

Looking forward to keeping you posted on all my adventures. I have to sign off for now so I can help mom pack up all my food, treats and toys.



  1. i really like this, found another little guy thats been through the same thing as me ;)

  2. well hi yuki
    have a great adventure! I am in costa rica with two very big dogs you would like. It is gorgious here.
    Bon voyage friends!
    diana and Brendan

  3. Hi Yuki,
    Have a good time,
    Love, Nana

  4. Yuki, I am excited about your adventures. I hope that we can take a trip sometime together, too. Glad you are have a good time!! Katie ( and Vonnie)
