Saturday, March 27, 2010

83rd International RV Rally

Greetings from Albuquerque, New Mexico!

We are at a BIG RV Rally-hundreds of RVs from all over the US - even some from Canada. We are all parked at the Balloon Festiva Park on the grass.Look at the rows of  motor coaches, ours is the brown one next to our red Honda Element. Mom and I sat outside in the sun to relax!

Mom always told me I was "one in a million" - but here  I found out that I am a "dime a dozen". I have never seen so many white dogs that look like me in my whole life. The RV to the left of us had 3 little white dogs, Bishons,  I especially like the girls Chloe and Bella. The RV to the right had  2 white Cockapoos. Harley kept trying to get his way with me! Then on my walks I saw many more - amazing! Can you spot me in these pictures?

We were here for six nights - had time to see some of the sights and enjoy some of the New Mexican cuisine. Mom brought me a few nibbles from her meals.

For 3 days  Mom and Dad went to seminars to learn more about RVs, Dad went to the ones about maintenance of engines, batteries, and lots of technical stuff.  Mom went to cleaning, toilet sanitation and microwave convention cooking classes - sounds sort of sexist to me.   Dad took a 6 hour driving safety seminar - sure hope he uses what he learned! Mom said it reminded her of being back at work and attending conferences, the only  difference was the average age of the attendees was about 70+. Dad met lots of guys who have been rving for a long time and he learned a lot from them.

Thursday morning Dad got up to take me for my morning and there were lots of  balloons getting ready to take off.

When they fired up there was a loud noise that almost scared me to death. I was shaking so much as I watched the balloons go up into the air that dad had to hold me, then I ran back to the RV with my tail between my legs and jumped into the sofa with mom.

We left Friday morning heading to Little Rock, AK - if all goes well we will spend one night in Amarillo, Tx, the next night in Oklahoma City and get to Little Rock by Sunday,


Friday, March 19, 2010

Running With The Big Dogs!

Greetings from Phoenix, AZ!

I just spent three days in Phoenix with Dad's cousin Norma, her husband Frank and son Ricky. We got to park our RV in their yard but the best part is that they had 2 dogs and 2 cats! I played the most with Gabe, boy is he big and strong, but I held my ground. I growled, snarled and bit at him, but he just thought I was playing. By the third day we were best friends.

The first night we played Yahtzee. I had a bit of trouble rolling the dice so Dad had to help me. I was going to sneak a sip of his wine, but was afraid my nose would get stuck in the glass. The next night we had a St. Patrick's Day party, and the last night we had a steak bar-b-que,  boy was that meat good but it wasn't fair, mom gave bones to Gabe but none to me cause she said I was too little.

I got to meet lots of new friends, and I really liked Ricky's girlfriend, Kylah. Now we are off to Albuquerque to attend an International RV rally. One thing I have learned is that most people who travel in RVs have dogs so I am excited to get there.

That's all for now - I am having a hard time getting the pictures in the right place so this is as good as it gets!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome to my blog!!


I am so excited that mom has created this blog for me so I can log all my adventures on our trips in our Monaco Cayman RV! As you can see I am jumping for joy.

We are leaving next Tuesday for a 2 1/2 month trip across the United States. I will get to see many new sights (and smells) and meet some of my aunts, uncles, cousins and make new friends. Sure hope some of them are of the canine variety!

Looking forward to keeping you posted on all my adventures. I have to sign off for now so I can help mom pack up all my food, treats and toys.
