Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Rally in the Valley

I'm back!! I took a year off from blogging, so I missed all our great trips in 2016.

I thought I would start this blog by showing you all the states I have visited since I started this blog. Only Virginia, West Virginia, 
New Jersey, Maryland, Rhode Island(if we fit) and Vermont to go! Don't think the RV will make it to Hawaii!

We still have a way to go to see all the Canadian Provinces.

We started last week on our "2017 Spring Fling" and boy were Brody and I ready to go! Our first stop was in Chandler, Arizona to attend an FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) rally. We joined about 3000 coaches from around the US. We were parked here.

                                    All I could see was rows and rows of coaches

While Brody and I hung out in the coach, doing what we do best

Mom and dad attended seminars. Mom is a fan of life long learning so she attended all the seminars to do with technology, while dad concentrated on maintenance stuff. 

I expect she will now teach me some new tricks, which you may eventually see on this blog. 

On the last night we got together with some friends we met at our Monaco International rallies for a  potluck.

I shouldn't say "we" as you can see by the pictures, Brody and I were not invited, but their dogs were....not fair!!

Tomorrow we take off, heading to Texas to meet up with our RV buddies from Mississippi.

Yuki (and Brody)


  1. Yuki. Glad to see u are back blogging. Does Brody have any interest in joining you in blogging?

    1. Brody has been begging Yuki to let him try to blog. However, I am not sure Yuki is ready to share the spotlight....

  2. Thank you so much for sharing, and I look forward to hear about the adventures of your trips. Love aunt terry

  3. ¡Glad to see you back on line, Yuuuuk!
    ¡Que bueno, amigo!

  4. Yuki, you have such a creative writing style! Enjoying the updates. Keep 'em coming!

  5. I'll be in HI this summer. I'll bring my RV and represent the Marquez family. Have a nice ride wherever you go.
