Friday, March 24, 2017

Big Bend National Park

Greetings from Lajitas, Texas!!
We are staying at the Maverick RV Resort, in Lajitas, Texas. It is a really nice resort and we were able to park next to Jerry and Charlie. As you can see there is  plenty of room between for Brody and I to run back and forth, whenever we can manage to escape.

Hey, look out! I think Brody is getting ready to go now...

I love the  the view from my window

The sun doesn't come up until 8:00 a.m, that's a long time for me to wait, but I'm afraid I might step on a snake if it is still dark....

 One night we went to the clubhouse to listen to a couple from Minnesota play some Texas tunes.

Check out Jerry and Charlie on the dance floor.

The mighty Rio Grande river that separates Texas from Mexico, has dwindled in many areas. That is Texas on the right side and Mexico on the left. 


Hey, watch out, it looks like Jerry is considering an illegal border crossing
The next day Mom, Dad, Jerry and Charlie went to visit Big Bend National Park.

This day they visited the Santa Elena Canyon, stopping along the way to appreciate the spectacular scenery.

as well as the beautiful flowering cactus.

 In the distance you can see the mouth of the Santa Elena Canyon

They stopped for a photo op at the overlook of the Santa Elena Canyon.

and then they went on to hike up the trail

Up and up they went, on a trail leading along the canyon wall, first mom 
then Charlie, 

and here comes Jerry
They kept going until they reached a point where they could get some great views of the canyon

Can you spot the canoes in the picture below? Mom and dad had wanted to take a float trip through the canyon, but there was only enough water for canoes.
Stopping to check out the Hoodoos

Another day they drove to the Chisos Basin.

A view of the basin

Mom told me the reason why they were so late in coming home that day was because they took the 12.4 mile walk to the South Rim Loop. Ha Ha! I don't believe it - sounds like that falls in the "fake news" category....
As you can clearly see, no dogs allowed, so I wlll never know if she was telling me the truth.

On the way back Jerry spotted a sign for BJ's RV Park, he was surprised as his friend BJ had never told him about this park, maybe we could have stayed there for free!

"We" had some great dinners in Jerry and Charlie's motor home, of course Brody and I had to wait until after dinner for mom to bring us some leftovers...
Jerry cooked some great steaks

 and they enjoyed dinner and a bottle of wine mom had brought back from one of her winery trips.

Blogging is a lot of work, especially when the internet connection is slow. Mom has kept my nose to the keyboard, sure is hard to do with no thumbs. 

And check out Brody watching me work, no fair! I have got to get him working on this too!
Time to chill out ( did I mention it is over 100 degrees here)...

Yuki and Brody


  1. Love your blog Yuki! Looks like a great trip so be sure to thank your mom and dad with a big wet kiss ;) and get Brody to help with that too!!

  2. I have some very cool memories of driving between Del Rio Texas and L.A. by way of the White Mountains in my 20s'


  3. Beautiful sceneries, thank you for sharing.
