Sunday, July 5, 2015

We made it to Newfoundland!!


I know what you must be thinking, why am I not in the blog shot? I would like to say it's because I wanted to give my little brother a cameo shot. However, truthfully, when mom put me on that rock and I looked up and saw that big salmon, it scared the heck out of me and I couldn't get off that rock fast enough. And no way, was I going back up! It didn't seem to bother Brody one bit, but then again he doesn't have any of my anxieties ( except for the vacuum cleaner)

We took the ferry to Newfoundland on July 1.  

We waited in line for about an hour

and watched all the big rig trucks go on first.  I was a little worried about how many trucks went on and how much they must have weighed. I sure didn't want that ferry to sink. 

Then it was our turn to go.

 Brody and I were all excited to go onboard, but once again we found out that we had to stay inside for the whole trip. Later I saw this picture and wondered why we  there there...

until mom explained that I would have had to have a muzzle on and stay in a cage the entire time. So sleeping in my own bed sounded like a better option.

Our first stop was in a small town named Doyles, with a great campground with lots of grass for us to run. You can see some snow left on the mountains.

We visited the small communities around, even stopping at  Chap's  garage to look at his collections from the 50's and 60's.

Our next stop was in Grand Falls-Windsor. We visited the Salmonid Interpretation Center.  It is a 500 foot long fishway that functions as a fishing ladder so that salmon can swim upstream past the Grand Falls waterfall. Prior to the construction of the ladder, the number of salmon was estimated at 1200. Now it is well past 50,000.

 We were able to see the salmon jump over the wall to the next level.


We also drove to the tip of one of the many, many peninsulas on this island. We passed through several very small fishing communities until we came to the end at Fortune Harbor.  To our surprise, there was a bed and breakfast right on the water. 

 and mom and dad had some cod and mussel chowder. This bay is the oldest mussel bay in Newfoundland.

 We leave today for Twillingate, where we hope to be able to see some icebergs!

Yuki and Brody


  1. Jaun beautiful country side. Must be fun cruising in a BIG motor home.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful pics of the gorgeous scenery! And love Yuki's perspective on your adventures!!
