Sunday, April 27, 2014

Loving the Outer Banks


Here I am preparing for my ferry ride to Hatteras Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
I wasn't sure we would fit on the ferry - but we did.

I was really excited about this trip because one of my favorite things to do is run on the beach, and there is nothing but beach here. 

We visited the famous Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

 and then went to the spot where it originally stood. 
Due to beach erosion, it was moved 2900 feet in 1999. 
On that beach I met my buddy, Bagel. He's a local so he showed me around the beach and I got to hang with him for a while. 
We also visited the Bodie Light house.

 One of the reasons we came here was to visit the Wright Brothers National Monument.
I got to walk on the field where the first flights took place. The stones below mark how far the first, second, and third flight lasted.

We walked to the top of a big hill to view the stone memorial.

On the Pamlico Sound side of the Outer Banks we stopped to watch the kite surfers.

I, of course was more interested in my fellow companions on the shore.
I had so much fun running around

that I turned somersaults.
Dad really liked the houses on Hatteras.

We had a great time (except for the night when we were tornado alert!)
p.s. dad said there were too many pictures of me, but hey, it's my blog!

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