Friday, September 10, 2010

Winthrop, WA and North Cascades National Park


Since I last wrote we have spent time in Winthrop, WA and North Cascades National Park.

Winthrop is a small western town

in the valley below the Cascade Mountains.  We stayed in a nice KOA campground right on the river. 

One day we  toured the North Cascades Smokejumpers.

A cute rookie smokejumper took mom and dad on a tour – they even got to go on the airplane they jump from. 

The next day we went hiking in the nearby mountains and looked down on the valley below.

Then we headed to North Cascades National Park. We drove on the scenic Cascades Highway. Wow! The scenery was so beautiful that I sat on mom’s lap as we were driving so I wouldn’t miss any sights.

We  stopped several times to take photos of the Cascades. I made sure that I was front and center!

Lake Ross

Diablo Lake

We drove across one of the dams.
and gazed at the beautiful peaks of the Cascade Mountains

  That afternoon we crossed a swinging bridge

to take a long walk in the forest, beautiful ferns

And trees

We stayed in the Newhalem Creek campground inside the National Park – right on the Skagit River.

Mom and I sat outside enjoying the wilderness.
The next day it was nice and sunny so we decided to take a hike to Pyramid Lake. It was really great as they allow dogs on all of the forest trails around here. The hike was uphill for 2.5 miles gaining over 1500 feet. I stayed in front with Dad – but had to keep running back to make sure mom was following, so I think I did twice as many miles as they did. Mom was sure glad when she got to the top –
the lake wasn’t much to look at, and it was easier going down.

The next two days it rained – one day we took a drive and on Labor Day we stayed in the motor home while mom planned the next leg of our trip. I got to go on walks in between the rain.

On Tuesday we left for the Puget Sound area.

Adios, Yuki

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