Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Puget Sound and Around


We spent 3 nights at Bayview State Park, on the Padilla Bay close to Anacortes, the San Juan and Whidbey Islands.  I could get a glimpse of the bay when I stood on dad's seat -

it was a nice park with lots of dogs!

The next day, I couldn't believe it, but they left me in the RV ALL DAY, while they took the ferry to the San Juan Island. It was a beautiful trip over, as I could see by the pictures they took.

They got back 9 hours later and I was so proud that I had been a good boy when they were gone ( if you know what that means).

The next day I was up and ready to go - was not going to be left behind this time! It was foggy all morning,

We went to Whidbey Island - drove about 1/2 way down and stopped at Fort Casey. I got to climb on the Fort and

then I spotted these black tail deers and I ran like a bunny to see them.

Mom and Dad stopped at an old saloon in Coupville for the world famous Penn Cove mussel chowder -

mom said it was great, I can't say cause all I got was the crackers. 

We stopped at Deception Pass State Park to look at the bridge,

enjoy the scenery and

walk on the beach -

I even chased the waves and got my feet wet -
was surprised to taste the salt in the water!

When we got back to the RV mom picked some blackberries for us!


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