Thursday, April 5, 2018

Northern Mississippi & Alabama


After a month in the south, the drawl is coming back. After being on the Gulf Coast in southern Alabama and Mississippi we headed north back to our friend's house in Oxford, Mississippi. We have our own parking place in their backyard. Our's is the one on the left.
Our friends had another party at their airplane hanger on their property. 

A typical delicious southern dinner of red beans and rice.
After Easter, we left Oxford, following our friends on the beautiful and historic Natchez Trace Parkway.

Brody and I loved looking out the window at all the beautiful trees, wishing we could stop for a much-needed break so we were happy when we arrived at Tishomingo State Park.

After we got settled in we went to walk across an old suspension bridge. Dad crossed first,

then Jerry went, stopping to look back to make sure we were coming, Mom didn't like when the bridge swayed beneath her feet and neither did I.
 That afternoon we took a drive to Holcut.  The entire town was displaced so that a waterway could be constructed.
 It was a beautiful area, and I am sure that the community was sorry to have to leave.

The next day mom and dad and Jerry and Charlie toured the Tiffin Motorhome plant in Red Bay, Alabama.  They got to see how the motorhomes are constructed, from the cabinet frames

to the chassis

Dad and Jerry had lots of questions
 and enjoyed seeing it all from the flooring

to the installation of the showerand windshield
Somehow it all comes together

But I sure wouldn't be want to be the one to figure our the wiring!

From there we headed to Florence, Alabama. We had a great campground right on the Tennessee River.


Lots of room for Brody and I to run around.
Mom, dad and their friends took a tour of Helen Keller's house, Ivy Green. 
A guide took them around the house while telling the story of her life. What an incredible woman she was. Look at the perfect handwriting on her picture. Hard to believe she was both deaf and blind.
 Her clothes and dolls,
Her bed,

in the same room as her teacher, Anne Sullivan

Outide was the fountain, where Helen's breakthrough in communication occurred when she realized that the motions her teacher was making on the palm of her hand, while running cool water over her other hand, symbolized  "water". From there, there was no stopping her. She exhausted her teacher, demanding the names of all the familiar objects in her environment. She went on to become the first deaf-blind person to earn a college degree.

After touring the home they went for lunch to a popular joint for
 a delicious meal of fried green tomatoes and fried chicken

Later that day they visited the Alabama  Music Hall of fame, honoring all the musicians that came from Alabama, more than we ever knew!
 Dad had fun going the tour bus for the band, Alabama. 

He always wondered what it looked like inside.

 That night we had to hunker down and pull in all of our slides as a big storm with tornado warnings approached us. Sure glad mom remembered to bring my Thundervest.
Another interesting visit was to a Frank Lloyd Wright home built for the Rosenburg family in 1940. Incredibly modern for the time. The people in Florence thought a spacecraft had landed in their neighborhood. Can you see why?


 Sorry, mom was not allowed to take pictures inside, but she said it was incredible, all the original furniture designed by FLW was still there. Check out the carports, front

and back

and the oriental garden.

Sadly, it is time to say good-bye to our friends Jerry & Charlie. To celebrate our last evening we grilled steaks

and enjoyed our dinner. Check out Brody getting lovings from Charlie, such a kiss up!

We started planning our next trip 
(hopefully they will make it to the west coast). While they were doing that, I thought it time to see if any food made it to the floor!

We really enjoyed our travels together and will miss them! Till next time!
Bye A'all
Yuki & Brody

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