Thursday, March 29, 2018

Biloxi, Mississippi

We are in Biloxi, Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico. The picture above is actually from Fort Gaines on Dauphin Island in Alabama, when we visited one day. We are still with our friends, Jerry and Charley. The day we arrived they all went to the famous restaurant, Mary Mahoney's for a delicious lunch.

Bobby Mahoney, Mary Mahoney's son who now runs the restaurant took us our table and proceeded to regale us with lots of great southern jokes. His delivery was fantastic. If you have the time and you want to listen to some great jokes, click on this link.

We spent one afternoon touring Beauvoir, the Jefferson Davis Home and Library.

Dad was busy studying his map as we toured the grounds.
We had a great tour guide who gave us a tour of his house.Beauvoir is French for beautiful view and you can see why, as the house is overlooking the Gulf of Mexico

The ceilings were beautiful

and the figure in the middle was not actually raised, just painted to look as if it was.

Check out  his and

hers bathubs. Looks like the right size for Brody or me!
On one foggy day, we drove to Dauphin Island, Alabama at the tip of the Mobile Bay. Brody and I were looking forward to our picnic lunch, but it was so cold and windy that we had to eat in the car. But we did convince mom to take us for a walk down a long pier

as we wanted to look at the beach. It was a long way out to the end.
 but we finally got there, not much to see, just lots of sand.

We were glad to take a break before heading back.
Another day, mom and dad left us in the RV and they went to Mobile, Alabama to tour the Carnival Museum. Bet you didn't know that the Mardi Gras originated in Mobile, not New Orleans.

It was very interesting, and the costumes for the king and queens through the years were displayed throughout the museum. All of them handmade and looked extraordinarily heavy to wear.


We learned you had to be from a family of privilege to be crowned a king or queen.Our docent lived in Mobile all her life. Her mother was queen in the 1920's
and her son was king in the 1980's.  They had a great visit but we were sure glad to see them come home. Sorry about my toothless grin, I usually try to remember to keep my mouth closed!

Next stop, northern Mississippi and Alabama.
Yuki and Brody

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Mississippi Bound

Greetings Friends,

I have been a bit remiss in starting this blog of our 2018 spring trip. My bother Brody looks so much bigger than me, but it's only an optical illusion. I want to make it perfectly clear, I am still the primary author of this blog!! Check me out,  I'm the one in the driver's seat, Brody is clearly the passenger (to see me you may have to make the picture bigger). But I did make one concession and added his name to the title of my blog.

We left home on Feb 28 heading for our friend's home in Oxford, Mississippi. It took us six days ( actually five but we spent an extra night in one of our favorite spots, Little Rock Arkansas).  We can park our RV right on the river overlooking Little Rock.
Dad was excited to visit the several new breweries in town since the last time we were here. His favorite was the Lost Forty!
While in town we visited the original state capitol.
They had a great exhibit there of homemade guitars by Ed Stilley.

Then we drove to see the current capitol building.
The next day we got to our friend's, Jerry and Charlie's home in Oxford Mississippi. We can park our RV in their backyard! We got to go and see their granddaughter, Anne Gates riding her new horse, Ollie.
The next day was mom's birthday and they surprised her with a party in their friend's airport hanger.  Lots of fun!

After Oxford, we went with our friends to the Monaco International Rally in Moultrie, Georgia, lots of eating and dancing.

After Moultrie, we went to Cedar Key, Flordia. One day we drove to the home of Marjorie Rawlings, the author of many books, the most famous being The Yearling.  She moved from New York to this remote area of Florida to pursue her writing. The grounds were beautiful.

Brody and I had to stay outside while they toured the house  and saw the actual typewriter she used to write her books.
We didn't mind missing the house tour as there were too many chickens to try and catch!

From Cedar Key we went to a swanky RV resort in Gulf Shores, Alabama.  Check out the views, water fountains and all! 

But my favorite part was the dog park. It was huge! We got to run and run. 

We went for a picnic, but it was a bit too cold and windy so we ate fast! 

One the way home we stopped to watch a fisherman catch mullet.
Later that day I spied a pelican so I mosied on over to get a closer look.

Imagine my surprise when he turned and looked right at me!

Next stop will be Biloxi Mississippi.
Yuki and Brody