Monday, March 31, 2014

South Beach Deco and the Fairchild Gardens


Hey, wait  a minute, that's not me....must be because I didn't get to go on these two day trips, so I guess I will have to let mom help write this one for me. 

Mom and dad took a walking tour of the art deco hotels in Miami's South Beach. Mom loves art deco and they both really enjoyed the tour.

The guide did a wonderful job of explaining the elements of art deco architecture. The "eyebrows" to help keep the interior cool, the symentry and flat roofs.

Right in the middle of these hotels was Johnny Versace's former house, where he was murdered in 1997 on the front steps after he returned from breakfast.

The next day they went to the lovely Fairchild Botanical Gardens. Dad took so many pictures that mom had a hard time picking the ones to include in this blog. Beautiful tropical plants and flowers,

exotic trees

check out this sausage tree

lots of lounging lizards,

a turtle peeking up at us

a beautiful enclosed butterfly garden,

and of course, so many palm trees. We could tell why our friends, John and Greg recommended we visit this garden.


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