Thursday, July 18, 2013

Anchorage and Seward


We spent five great days in Anchorage. The weather was beautiful and sunny and there was lots to do.  My favorite day was our hike to Flattop Mountain.

I was so excited to be able to go and off leash too!!

It was a lot farther up than I thought it would be. I stopped and waited for dad to catch up.

Then I went ahead with dad while mom took some breaks (caught her sitting down)

We kept going up....

and up....

and up.....

and up...

This is the most visited mountain top in Alaska and I could see why, the views were incredible. The city and ocean in the distance

and the people below.
A great hike!

Our next stop was Seward,  a beautiful harbor town with phenomenal access to both the mountains and the sea. 

You won't see any pictures of me as I spent most of the time in the RV while mom and dad were out and about.

One day they took off for a ranger led hike to Exit Glacier in the Kenai Fjords National Park.

The next day they left me for 9+ hours ( yes, you heard me right - nine long hours of holding my legs together, I was darned if I was going to pee on those doggie diapers they put on the floor) while they took a Kenai Fjords National Park cruise, covering 130 miles of spectacular scenery, beautiful glaciers and terrific wildlife viewing.

The tour was narrated by a national park ranger and the boat followed the pristine coastline out of Seward's Resurrection Bay and into one of Alaska's national park jewels. 

They were lucky to see so much wildlife. Many humpback whales putting on shows

sunning seal lions

frolicing sea otters

and adorable puffins

bottoms up!

Got up close to two beautiful glaciers, Aialik

The ranger said the glacier was really active today -- lots of calving, a process by which the glaciers shed giant blocks and slabs of ancient ice.

  and Holgate Glacier

And one night dad went salmon fishing, check out their haul!! Do they look happy?

That's all for now!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Yuki loves Denali!

Just sitting here waiting until I can see  Mt. McKinley  behind the clouds, hoping to get lucky...

and I must have been a very good boy. I waited all night, I just knew it was there...

and the next day, there it was, Denali in all of its glory!

We had to have a special permit to drive our RV 29 miles into Denali National Park to the Teklanika Campground.

We had a nice campsite

and there is Mom is waiting for the ranger talk.

One day mom and dad left me in the RV for 9 hours while they took the shuttle bus to Wonder Lake.

 Bet you are wondering how I held it so long, but I did!

Beautiful lake but there were loads of mosquitoes!!!

Along the way they saw lots of wildlife,  but dad only got good pics of a few of them.

Check out the grizzly!

During the days we would hike on the riverbed 

and just enjoy the views

After leaving Denali we went to a small town, Talkeetna

a very small town, but home to Denali Brewing Company, so dad was happy. Talkeetna is where most of the flightseeing tours to Denali take off. Dad was interested in one of the float plane trips, 

but mom put the nix on that as I was't allowed to go too ( or at least that is what she said to dad)

Next stop, Anchorage!