Monday, June 3, 2013

Lake Louise, Icefields Parkway & Jasper National Park

We had a great time in Lake Louise and Jasper National Park. We visited Yoho National Park, close to Lake Louise and stopped to look at the Natural Bridge.

and the cascading waters

I was excited to get out and walk three miles around the beautiful Emerald Lake

After that walk I conked out in the car while mom and dad had lunch at the gourmet cafe on the lake.

That afternoon we drove 30 miles up the Icefields Parkway, one of the world's most beautiful highways connecting Lake Louise and Jasper National ParkOur first stop was the frozen Bow Lake.

We  hiked up in the snow to Bow Summit. I kept hearing the chirping sounds of those ground squirrels and I was determined to find them!
When we finally got to the top we were rewarded with views of the beautiful Peyto Lake, an amazing shade of blue that these pictures barely  do justice to.

Back in Lake Louise mom and dad went to the Fairmont hotel for drinks overlooking the lake.

The next morning the sun was shining as we headed up the Icefields Parkway to Jasper.  Mom was busy taking pictures of the spectacular views.

Halfway there we stopped at the Columbia Icefield where mom and dad took a 90 minute tour on the huge Ice Explorer up to the Athabasca Glacier. They had a good time walking around and enjoying the views.

Back on the highway we continued to enjoy the views

This is the continental divide

and then we saw Bear #4!! 

Dad had to stop to let the deer cross the road
Our last stop was to see the beautiful Athabasca Falls, where the river is forced through a narrow gorge and over a cliff into a cauldron of roaring water. Wow!

We had a nice camping spot in Jasper National Park. But what I liked best was seeing this baby elk taking his afternoon nap

and later watching his mom clean him up.

Before they went on their way.

It rained the day we were in Jasper, but we did get to see the unique Maligne Canyon, where the surface water is augmented by underground springs and it looks like more water flows out of the canyon than into it.


We are off, heading to Dawson Creek, British Columbia and the start of the Alaskan Highway!


1 comment:

  1. Yuki, what an amazing trip you are having! And what wonderful memories you are bringing back to us! We have traveled the Icefields Parkway three or four times over the years, staying on one trip or another in Banff, Lake Louise, Yoho, Emerald Lake Lodge, Num Ti Ja Lodge (on the shores of Bow Lake, but the lake had thawed by the time we got there) and Jasper. It is indeed one of the world's most beautiful highways!

    Thanks for the memories and safe travels to you and Debbie and Juan,

    Harvey and Carolyn
