Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ride 'Em Cowboy!

Greetings from the Wild West!

We enjoyed our time in Cody, Wyoming and had a nice campsite. Mom and Dad left me in the RV while they visited the world class Buffalo Bill Historical Center, a collection of five museums under one roof. The museum focusing on Buffalo Bill was very interesting, but they really enjoyed the Western Art museum. The Firearms museum had the largest collection of firearms that you could ever imagine, mom got bored after the first few sections and left to enjoy other parts of the Center.

I also wasn't able to go to the Cody Rodeo with them, but I enjoyed looking at the pictures, sure wish I could have been there!

Mom was not to happy to see the "12 and Under" riding, even though this little guy had a helmet, 

the rider before him did not, and after he was bucked off he had to be carried away for medical attention.

The bull riding was the last event. Not one cowboy was able to stay on for the requred time, not a great way to make a living.

From there we moved on to Billings, Mt. I was so excited  to find out that I was going to be able to go with mom and dad  to the Little Bighorn Battlefield. What timing, we were there on the 135th anniversary of the June 25, 1876 battle between the US Army and the tribes of the North Plains Indians. We went to the site of Custer's Last Stand - I had to stay in the car, but I could see just fine. Below is the sculpture we saw at the Indian Memorial. 

Then we found out that there was going to be a re-enactment of the battle at a nearby Crow Indian farm, so off we went. I even got to sit in the grandstand and look who was sitting next to me, I was really intimidated. I wasn't sure if it was a dog or a horse, but dad told me that it was a "real dog" - so what does that make me?

The story behind the battle was told from the Indian perspective, which included their version of Custer's Last  Stand. According to their history, Custer never made it to the battlefield, but instead they killed him, cut his heat out and paraded it around to the tribes in retribution for the free life and lands that had been taken from them. (Although this part was not re-enacted.)

Check out that dog herding the horses!

By the time the shooting started, I got really scared, it sounded like the fireworks  on the 4th of July.

So we left and went back home.  Next stop, Medora, North Dakota to visit the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Arn't They Grand!!

Greetings from Grand Teton National Park!! ( and Yellowstone too)

I wanted a great cover shot, without my leash, but mom wouldn't take it off - maybe she thought I would fall!

We arrived here to light rain and cloudy skies. But we woke up the next day to light clouds and sun - such majestic views.  We had a great campsite in the park, Gros Ventre (pronounced Grow Vont). We had views of the Teton's from our RV and I had a great time checking out all the holes in the ground for chipmunks. Mom didn't know I was such a mighty hunter. Imagine my surprise when I stuck my nose down a hole and a chipmunk jumped out, stood right in front of me on his hind legs, screeching and waving his paws, guess I woke him up!

The next morning we got up and headed off to see the sights - starting with the scenic Mormon row.

Mom and Dad walked around Jenny Lake one day.

I kept hanging my head out the window to make sure I saw all the sights ( and smells). Throughout both parks I was so lucky to see so many wild animals.

Moose dad saw on his walk in the woods

Harlequin Duck

And another lying down with her baby
 We were really luck to see Pronghorn

 And even luckier to see a grizzly through the trees, we even saw a mom with her 2 cubs, but haven't downloaded those pics yet.

And, of course I saved the best for last - I am not photoshopped in! But I must admit I was too scared to actually look at them.

Most of the days we were in Yellowstone, it was cloudy and cold, but there was one nice morning so we headed to The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

Mom and Dad walked down Uncle Tom's Trail, a steep trail that leads to over 500 foot staircase leading to the base of the falls. Both of them tried not to look down as they were descending, and the view from the bottom was well worth the stairmaster workout to get back to the top

There were so many more pics to choose from, I think you get the idea. We are having a great time. We are now in Cody, Wyoming, hope to go to a rodeo tonight. 
Adios, Yuki