Sunday, September 19, 2010

Olympic Peninsula


We just spent 6 nights in Sequim (pronounced like squeam in squeamish).  There was so much to do here. One day we went to a wooden boat festival in Port Townsend, one of the largest in the world. Not only did they have lots of wooden boats,

tall ships

 wooden kayaks

and even
wooden bikes!

One day mom and dad left to take the ferry to Vancouver, British Columbia. The only reason they could go for such a long day is because the RV place we were staying at offered dog sitting - so a nice lady came and took me out several times, played with me and gave me treats. Mom and dad didn't get back until late at night - but they had a great time. They told me all about the whale watching trip they took on a high speed boat. They were very lucky to see several large pods of Orca whales. First they were off in the distance.

Then they got closer


Playing and swimming

Remind you of jaws?

They even saw a huge grey whale

Olympic National Park is very diverse and has three different areas, the mountains, the rain forest and the beach - so we set out to see all 3 over the course of several days.

The sights from Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park were beautiful.

We took some nice hikes there - or rather I did in my dreams as dogs aren't allowed on most National Park trails.

  Later, on a trip to a waterfall dad took pics of some flowers

and mushrooms or fungus

The next stop was the Hoh Rain Forest in the park.

 ending at the beautiful beaches

Sorry for the long blog, but wanted to get it all done before we start home.

We had a great trip. Here is one of my seems to do all of the driving, all dad has to do is keep his hands on the steering wheel!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ferry Crossing


We decide to save some miles and have an adventure by taking our motor home by ferry from Whidbey Island across the Puget Sound  to Fort Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula.  We got there in time to be one of the first in line. If you look close you can see me in the window.

Here comes the ferry!

Dad is getting ready to go - does he look nervous - he is..
and I am getting scared, begging mom to let me sit in her lap

Here we go....

and we are on -

can you see me?

We were happy to safely make it through that adventure, we were the biggest vehicle on that small ferry - glad we didn't sink it.


Puget Sound and Around


We spent 3 nights at Bayview State Park, on the Padilla Bay close to Anacortes, the San Juan and Whidbey Islands.  I could get a glimpse of the bay when I stood on dad's seat -

it was a nice park with lots of dogs!

The next day, I couldn't believe it, but they left me in the RV ALL DAY, while they took the ferry to the San Juan Island. It was a beautiful trip over, as I could see by the pictures they took.

They got back 9 hours later and I was so proud that I had been a good boy when they were gone ( if you know what that means).

The next day I was up and ready to go - was not going to be left behind this time! It was foggy all morning,

We went to Whidbey Island - drove about 1/2 way down and stopped at Fort Casey. I got to climb on the Fort and

then I spotted these black tail deers and I ran like a bunny to see them.

Mom and Dad stopped at an old saloon in Coupville for the world famous Penn Cove mussel chowder -

mom said it was great, I can't say cause all I got was the crackers. 

We stopped at Deception Pass State Park to look at the bridge,

enjoy the scenery and

walk on the beach -

I even chased the waves and got my feet wet -
was surprised to taste the salt in the water!

When we got back to the RV mom picked some blackberries for us!
