Saturday, September 14, 2019

Going to the Pendleton Roundup!

Howdy Partner!
Yippie! We are heading to the Pendleton Roundup Rodeo in Pendleton, Oregon. I can hardly wait to get there! We spent Labor Day weekend in beautiful Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. Had a great campsite with lots of grass for me to roll around on. 

As it was a busy week-end we spent most of it at the campsite. Took a quick trip into Spokane, Wa. to buy a topper for our air conditioner that somehow blew off when we were crossing the mountains in Montana.
Mom and Dad had lunch by the beautiful lake in Coeur d' Alene and walked around to see some of the boats and flowers


After Labor Day we headed to Steamboat Rock State Park located on the huge Banks Lake just south of Grand Coulee Dam. Here we are approaching the park. 

The campground is where all the green trees are.
Our campground is close to the lake, lots of grassy areas for Yuki and me.

With no internet or phone service, Mom and Dad caught up on their reading. 

I was so excited to see the deer and turkeys visiting next door.  I didn't even bark so I wouldn't scare them away.

We took a drive to look at Grand Coulee Dam. It is one of the largest concrete structures in the world and the largest hydropower producer in the United States. 

We finally made it to Pendleton, Oregon. We were looking forward to meeting up with all of our friends from the Monaco Romers club. There will be 30 coaches and 60 couples at the rally.
The RV park was nice and very scenic at night. I loved the views from my window.

Every night Mom and Dad would leave us to join their friends for drinks and dinner.

Dad was one of the bartenders.
Did you know that "real cowboys" wear pink? As soon as I found that out I had Mom hunt for my pink bandana.

Now all I need is my cowboy hat. Oh, here it is.

Wait a minute, who turned off the lights?
Okay, that's much better - now I am ready for the rodeo!

The Pendleton Roundup began in 1910 - and ha been going strong ever since. It is always held around the second week of September.

I was excited to get into the arena to wait for the rodeo to begin, Mom and Dad stopped for some Bloody Mary's made with Pendleton Whiskey at the "Let Er Buck Room. 
Then it was off to the rodeo! 
I couldn't believe how brave ( or crazy) those cowboys were to ride those bucking horses and bulls.

I was really impressed with the two cowgirls who rode two horses standing up!

The day after the rodeo Mom and Dad joined their friends to take the Pendleton Underground Tour.
Underneath the city streets, there were hidden tunnels and a red light district built at the turn of the century.  

 It was discovered when potholes started showing up in the streets in the 1980s, the tunnels were used in the early 1900s primarily by the Chinese to avoid interactions with the locals, and other people taking part in less than legal activities including prostitution, bootlegging and gambling. There was even a laundry run by Hop Sing

They also toured the Pendleton Wool Mills and watched how the wool was made into blankets.


Yuki got sick so we had to miss the parade, but we found a great veterinarian in town who took good care of him and he is feeling a bit better every day. I have to tell you, this blogging is exhausting! That's all for this trip - hope to catch you on our next adventure - nap time for me! Heading to Walnut Creek to take care of Nana.

Brody & Yuki